2024 Gardening Olympics
Is there anything more inspiring and entertaining than watching the Olympics?
There is such a sense of camaraderie. My family has been watching a few events each day, cheering from the couch and marveling at the incredible talent and athleticism of each athlete.
Although most of us will never know what it’s like to compete in front of the entire world, I’d like to take a satirical look at how I would place if there were such a thing as Garden Olympics.
Event: Maintaining Hanging Baskets
Event: Saving Sweet Peas Seeds
Event: Pulling Weeds
Event: Trellising High Climbers
Event: Posting Pretty Pictures
Event: Bouquet Making
What sort of Olympics would you be participating in, if it were an Olympic sport?
I would love to hear what gardening events you think you’d medal in! Comment below!